Young women who put the mask has been increasing in Japan. They do not have a cold. It's a kind of fashion.
Originally, the Japanese love mask. People of hay fever Put the mask in the spring every year. 2009, pandemic of swine flu has occurred. That time, many Japanese were wearing a mask. The wear rate was higher than the other countries. Mask wearing was also increased immediately after the nuclear accident.
Such sight may seem strange to foreigners. However, the reason that young women prefer the mask is more strange. They are using a mask to hide his face.
There seems to be a variety of reasons for it. For example, it might mean "I do not want to talk." In general, the complex of the face has been pointed out as one of the reasons. In this case, the purpose is to hide a part of the face that themselves do not like. Some people described it as "looks like a beautiful woman When you hide the mouth."
The presence of entertainers called "Zawachin (ZAWACHIN)" also might have affected it. She is a master of makeup. She turns into someone with the help of makeup. She hides the mouth with a mask. She modeled on someone by impression of hairstyle and eyes. Her real face is decent, but it can be transformed into a beautiful actress.
In other words, the impression of women can be controlled by only makeup around the eyes. She has impressed this fact to the young woman.